The second article I read about talked about kids filming acts of misbehavior such as something called fencing this is when a bunch of kids are thrown through a line of fences lined in someones back yard. This was the creation of some one who just wanted to be look at by others in hopes that his views on this stupidity would get great numbers of views on a public site. after the stupidity of others these public sites have put up signs that say any act of violence or any such is not allowed also these sites have agreed to join with the police to catch any

I was asked why should we be careful of the things that we post on public sites my answer to that is every thing we post or write is traced to the IP address that we wrote from and is traceable,also another reason is that if we ever had some kind of accident we maybe judged by the things we post on public sites whether it be a positive or negative.
There was a case on the news and on many news papers later that week it took place in December it was about a couple of girls who beat up a man on the subway and this incident was filmed and posted on a public web page (you tube) and the girls involved were later put to curt and charged with assault on a older man. This is a great example because the girls in this incident didn't think that by filming this it would lead to them getting charges pressed on them by this man this victim of a harsh beating on a A train going home.
1 comment:
Nice work! take time and relax and come and see what i have done....
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